With only two people (hubby and me) to cook for, long-term storage of celery is a challenge, and buying pre-cut celery sticks was not an option I wanted. Since celery is on the “dirty dozen” list of produce to buy organic, I was motivated to find a way to use this pricey vegetable before it rotted in my fridge. But the truth is, we just don’t eat enough celery, raw or cooked, fast enough. After trying green bags, perforated produce bags and plain old storage bags, I finally found the answer: tinfoil. Really. It keeps the celery fresh and crisp for a month or more, perfect for a small family.
It’s easy, too. Just lay the celery on a strip of tinfoil.
Wrap it up like a package, pressing the foil tightly against the celery.
Place in vegetable bin of fridge. Remember when you unwrap and rewrap to always press the foil tightly against the celery, pressing air out.
Now I don’t mind paying almost $4 for organic celery, knowing I’ll use it all even if it takes me 6 weeks.
Nigel is the only one here who eats a lot of celery, not sure why I don't! I have always kept it in plastic and not had a problem, but I will try foil and see how much better it is. Thanks. Have a good weekend Diane
Thanks for the tip! Now I can buy some more as I know how to keep them fresh!
I'm with you, $4.00 is a LOT for a root vegetable! I also do not like to waste ANYTHING either! Thank you for the great tip too!
Have a lovely weekend!
Brilliant!! There are just the 2 of us here too, and I throw away a lot of celery. This is an excellent tip, thank you VERY much for sharing it.
I really needed this tip Judy. Our celery gets limp in no time, especially for just the two of us. Thanks!
Oh thank you for the tip! I just bought some today and will store it that way.
Thank you for the tip! I just bought some today.
Thank you for the tip. I just bought some today.
I will have to try this, since there are only two of us to cook for too.
Great idea and thank you for the tip!
i will definitely be doing this!
Thank you for telling us how to store celery. I guess I'm not the only one who has wasted a lot of celery.
Thank you all for your comments, so glad my tip was useful.
I have been doing this for quite a while and it keeps very well wrapped in foil for at least 2 weeks; amazing.
Rita, It keeps for me for 6 weeks.
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